June 8, 2016
Closed-Cycle Cooling at New Athens Plant Is
Thousands of Times More Efficient than Once-Through Cooling at
Astoria Plant
The recently published application of the New
Athens Generating Company for a water withdrawal permit for its
New Athens Generation Station in Athens, New York provides a stunning
illustration of the benefits of closed cycle cooling. The notice published by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
states that the Athens Generating Station is applying to take "1.5 million gallons of water per day from the Hudson River for the facility's
air-cooled condensers."
A comparison of the 1.5 million GPD permit amount
requested by Athens with the 1,246 million (or 1.25 billion) GPD
amount permitted to Astoria Generating Station in Queens, shows
that New Athens is requesting less than 1/800ths of the amount
of water permitted to Astoria. See DEC Continues to Rubber Stamp Water Withdrawal Permit Applications as Objections
Mount. Yet the generating capacity of the New Athens plant is more than the current
generating capacity of the Astoria plant. According to Talen Energy's webpage, the generating capacity of the New Athens plant is 1,080 MW, which is slightly
greater than the 959
MW generating capacity of Astoria station, as shown
on Eastern Generation LLC's website.
The average daily usage of each plant is much less than the plant's permitted
amount. According to the water withdrawal dataset posted on DEC's website, the average daily withdrawal of the New Athens plant is 170,000 gallons of
water per day, while the Astoria plant's average
withdrawal is 550,220,000
GPD, or 3,057 times as much.
The dramatic reduction in usage resulting from closed-cycle cooling at the Athens
plant results in an equally dramatic reduction in aquatic impact.
DEC’s 2011 guidance on Best
Available Technology (BTA) for Cooling Water Intake Structures requires closed-cycle cooling. The guidance states that cooling water intake
structures will be subject to one of four “performance goals”
when selecting BTA—each of the four goals requires closed-cycle
In view of the tremendous reduction in aquatic
impacts from closed cycle cooling and DEC's BTA policy requiring
closed cycle cooling, why isn't DEC requiring all generating stations
in New York to adopt closed cycle cooling technologies?
Screen Shots of New Athens and Astoria water usage data from DEC's water withdrawal kmz file on Google Earth

Posted by Rachel Treichler on 06/08/16, updated
About NY Water Law
New York Water
Law covers legal developments relating to water usage in New York
and elsewhere. The
author, Rachel Treichler, practices law in the Finger Lakes region. .
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